Samsung EVO Plus 128 GB Review 2017

2 min.

Offering capacity options from 32 GB to 256 GB, Samsung is able to provide users with the performance needed for high-resolution photos and videos, as well as for photographic machines, while meeting the need for fast, high-resolution storage of movies and video from recent smartphones. Renewed cards also offer us a good balance of price.Samsung EVO Plus 128 GB Review 2017

The new EVO Plus cards are powered by the company’s NAND memory and can now access the industry’s maximum UHS-I read speeds, 100 MB / s, a slight improvement over the 95 MB / s specification of the last generation. The card also has Samsung’s 4-in-1 protection technology. The X-ray and magnetic fields as well as the water and high and low resistance against the card structure, Samsung has a 10-year warranty period. EVO Plus comes with a SD card adapter, so it can be used both as SD card and microSD card. Let’s take a look at the performance data we got from the card right now.

You can fit 4K UHD video on this card for up to 6 hours. You can also record up to 17 hours of Full HD and up to 23 hours of HD video. It is possible to store 27 thousand 600 pictures in the photo point and 11 thousand 500 files in the MP3 format. As an alternative to the Samsung EVO Plus 128 GB, you can also evaluate the Kingston 128GB Class 10 SDCX10 microSD card.
